
Jenna Kang

Ph.D. Student
New York University

B.S. in CS @ Georgia Institute of Technology

About Me

I’m a first-year Computer Science Ph.D. student at New York University (NYU), advised by Dr. Qi Sun. My research interests center on improving immersive experiences in 3-D and AR/VR applications, with a focus on accelerating and enhancing graphics systems using machine learning techniques. I am particularly interested in studying and exploiting human perception through cognitive, perceptual, and vision sciences to enhance the experience and draw inspiration from.

I am also interested in using HCI strategies for AR/VR 3-D displays, focusing on how users navigate and react within virtual spaces, investigating unique behavioral quirks to enhance immersion and interaction in these environments.

I achieved my B.S. in Computer Science at the Georgia Institute of Technology in 2024, where I was advised by Dr. Thad Starner.



Work Experience
